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Download the Latest TriXX

Amp up your GPU with the latest features including TriXX Boost, Fan Check, NITRO Glow and more!

Are you getting the best out of your SAPPHIRE NITRO+ or PULSE Graphics cards?

You might not know that SAPPHIRE's TriXX software is the key to unlocking their power. With SAPPHIRE TriXX you can tune your card's performance to the max and save custom settings for your favourite games. SAPPHIRE TriXX has been redesigned with a  deceptively-simple interface featuring the New TriXX BoostNITRO GLOW, and Software BIOS Switch.

Check out how your SAPPHIRE Graphics card can benefit from the new TriXX ! 


Download the TriXX 9.7.0

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MD5:                     c6630f62a375aecdd3c8e8668dd45006

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SHA-256:              4be72ab4d524e69fe3c60e7396f0475a3a6c14f7bb540ba79b5c7ae2888f79bb





Hardware and software features of the graphics card.  




Exclusive on NITRO+ RX 7000 / RX 6000 / RX 5000 Series.
Under Dash Board, users are able to switch between the primary bios setting and secondary bios setting in TriXX software.



The TriXX Hardware Monitoring allows gamers to monitor in real time the various data points of the graphics card. This feature assists with overclocking and even trouble shooting.


TriXX Boost enables gamers to run games at a higher FPS by reducing the rendering resolution and up scaling the final output image by integrating Radeon Image Sharpening.



One Click TOXIC BOOST to Unleash the Power of TOXIC
*Supported on select TOXIC Series Graphics Cards






At times fans need service but it can be frustrating to return the entire card and wait for a replacement to be authorized. Fan Check feature allows users to check the cooler’s status and immediately contact customer support through Fan Service in case of problems.


Working with the on board MCU on NITRO+ Series, NITRO Glow utility has been significantly expanded and improved in the new NITRO+ products.


  • TriXX is unable to work with a dual card system for ARGB. Only primary card is available.
  • Fan Health Check and Nitro Glow are supported on the NITRO+ Graphics Card Series Products ONLY. 
  • TriXX does not support Crossfire configurations.
  • TriXX 6.8 : Supports for VEGA, RX 500, and RX 400, Please click here to download TriXX Ver. 6.8.

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